Author: Tuhin Bairagi

Entanglement is the Ability of Two or More Particles to Share a Quantum State, Even When They Are Separated by Vast Distances.


In this, we will learn how quantum physics can help us understand and improve our manifestation process. We will discover the concept of quantum entanglement, which shows us that everything in the universe is connected and influenced by our state of mind. We will also learn how to align our intention, vibration, and action with our desired outcome, and how to reprogram our subconscious mind to support our manifestation flow. We will also explore some other quantum physics concepts, such as superposition, coherence, decoherence, and collapse, and how they affect our reality creation.

How does Entanglement relate to Manifestation?

When we set an intention, we create a quantum state that matches our desired outcome. When we act on that intention, we send out a vibration that attracts similar vibrations from the universe. And when we align our vibration with our intention, we create a powerful entanglement with our goal, which makes it more likely to manifest in our physical reality. This is the essence of the interplay of intention, vibration, and action.

Conscious and Subconscious Thoughts

When we talk about our thoughts, we are not only referring to our conscious thoughts but also to our subconscious thoughts. The subconscious mind is part of our mind that operates below our awareness, and it stores all our memories, beliefs, emotions, and habits. The subconscious mind is also responsible for regulating our bodily functions, such as breathing, heartbeat, and digestion.

Role of the Subconscious Mind in Manifestation

The subconscious mind is very powerful, and it can either help us or hinder us in our manifestation Process. The role of the subconscious mind in manifestation is crucial because it influences our outcomes in many ways. For example, if we have limiting beliefs or negative emotions stored in our subconscious mind, they will create resistance and blockages in our manifestation flow. On the other hand, if we have positive beliefs and emotions stored in our subconscious mind, they will create support and ease in our manifestation flow. Therefore, it is important to reprogram our subconscious mind with affirmations, visualisations, and other techniques that will align it with our conscious intention.

How Quantum Entanglement Linked with Particles

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles become linked in such a way that their quantum states are dependent on each other, regardless of how far apart they are. This means that if we measure one particle, we can instantly know the state of the other particle, even if they are separated by light-years. This also means that if we change the state of one particle, we can affect the state of the other particle, without any physical interaction. This is what Albert Einstein famously called “spooky action at a distance”.

To manifest why do we need to Entangle our thoughts, intentions, and actions?

Manifestation is the process of bringing our thoughts and desires into physical reality. To manifest something, we need to align our thoughts, intentions, and actions with the quantum field of that thing. We need to tune into the same frequency and vibration as our desired outcome. We need to become one with it. For example, if we want to manifest more money, we need to think, feel and act as if we already have more money. We need to be grateful for what we have and expect more to come. We need to take inspired action and follow our intuition. We need to avoid negative thoughts and emotions that lower our vibration and create resistance. We need to trust the process and let go of the outcome. By doing this, we are aligning our thoughts, intentions, and actions with the quantum field of money. We are creating a strong connection and attraction between us and money. We are entangling ourselves with money. So, as we change our state of being, we also change the state of money in our reality.

Power of The Subconscious Mind

We need to be aware of what is going on at our subconscious level and how it affects our conscious level. We need to identify and eliminate any limiting beliefs, negative emotions, fears or doubts that are holding us back from manifesting our desires. We need to replace them with empowering beliefs, positive emotions, confidence and faith that support our manifestation process.

In other words, we need to be the director, producer and actor of our own movie. We need to write the script of our story clearly and deliberately. We need to choose the scenery, the characters, the plot and the theme of our movie according to our vision and purpose. We need to act as the hero of our movie and not as the victim or the villain. We need to create our own world that reflects our true essence and desire.

Role of Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind is a powerful and mysterious part of our psyche. It stores all our memories, emotions, beliefs, habits, fears, desires and impulses. It influences our thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. It shapes our perception of reality and our ability to manifest our dreams.

What if Our Thoughts and Beliefs Are Not Clear, Positive, and Aligned With Our Desires?

They create resistance, confusion and conflict in our quantum field. They attract and manifest unwanted situations, people and events into our reality. They prevent us from achieving our true potential and happiness. This is why it is crucial to pay attention to our unconscious mind. We need to be aware of what is going on at our subconscious level and how it affects our conscious level. We need to identify and eliminate any limiting beliefs, negative emotions, fears or doubts that are holding us back from manifesting our desires. We need to replace them with empowering beliefs, positive emotions, confidence and faith that support our manifestation process.


In this, we have learned how quantum physics can help us understand and improve our manifestation process. We have discovered the concept of quantum entanglement, which shows us that everything in the universe is connected and influenced by our state of mind.

By applying these concepts and techniques, we can master the art of manifestation and co-create our reality with the universe. We can use our mind power to attract and manifest anything we want, from money, health, love, happiness, success, and more. We can also use our mind power to overcome any challenges, obstacles, or limitations that may stand in our way. We can become the directors, producers, and actors of our own movies. 

The Concept of Merging Quantum Physics and Spirituality for Successful Manifestation


If we want to manifest our desires, we must be mindful of the energy we are putting out into the universe. We must also be aware of the matter that makes up our thoughts and emotions, and how that matter is affecting our energy. For example, if we are constantly thinking negative thoughts and feeling negative emotions, we are putting negative energy into the universe. This negative energy is made up of the matter that makes up our negative thoughts and emotions. This negative energy will attract negative experiences into our lives, making it difficult to manifest our desires.

This is not just a passive read it is about transformation. First, approach this with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Second, engage in an active reading. Third, don’t be afraid to experiment with the practices discussed. Fourth track your progress. This is not a one-time read it’s a lifelong journey. The manifestation of our desire is a process that involves many factors including our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Human Desire To Manifest Their Dreams

It is a universal pursuit that humans have a desire to pursue their dreams. Still, it happens that we give our best and do the best possible but we often find ourselves in a state of Disappointment and Frustration. Sometimes we fail to get the results we want and we also use techniques for that but still struggle to get those results. This is a problem that plunges with many of us when we are unable to do what we manifest. The problem lies in the root of the energy and its role in the manifestation of the process. The main driving force behind everything in the universe is energy and its role in the manifestation process. This is what connects the living and nonliving things in the world. If you wish to manifest your desire successfully then we need to understand how energy works and how it affects our lifestyle. The heart of the problem is the disconnection between our conscious and subconscious beliefs. Our Subconscious beliefs formed through our thoughts, upbringing, and experiences often conflict with our conscious mind.

The Solution

The solution to successful manifestation lies in the understanding that our thoughts and beliefs have a direct effect on the energy that surrounds us. By merging the principles of quantum physics and spirituality, we can tap into this energy and use it to manifest our desires. If we hold negative thoughts and beliefs, we will attract negative energy and experience negative outcomes. But if we hold positive thoughts and beliefs, we will attract positive energy and experience positive outcomes.

Fundamental Quality of Existence

It is the basis of everything that we perceive, think, feel, and do. It is also the link between the individual and the universe, between the finite and the infinite, and between the manifest and the unmanifest. Om is the expression of this consciousness in sound form.

The Power of Chanting Om

By chanting Om, we can tune into our own consciousness and align it with the cosmic consciousness. We can experience a sense of harmony, peace and bliss that goes beyond words. We can also awaken our latent potential and creativity, as well as our intuition

and wisdom. Om is not only a sound made by us, but a sound that we hear with our inner ear. It is a sound that we feel with our hearts and soul. It is a sound that we see with our third eye and beyond. It is a sound that we know with our true selves.


Consciousness is one of the most fascinating and mysterious aspects of human existence. It is the subjective experience of being aware of ourselves and the world around us. It is what makes us feel alive, curious, creative and unique.

Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is a science that challenges our common sense and intuition. It reveals that reality is not as solid and predictable as we might think. Instead, it is full of paradoxes, uncertainties and possibilities.

Observer and Observed

The observer and the observed are constantly interacting and influencing each other. The observer shapes the observed by selecting, interpreting and responding to it. The observed shapes the observer by providing, challenging and transforming it. The observer and the observed are co-creating and co-evolving in a dynamic dance of consciousness. The observer and the observed can be applied to different levels of consciousness, from the personal to the universe. For example, at the personal level, we can observe our own thoughts, feelings, sensations and actions as objects of our awareness. We can also observe ourselves as subjects of our awareness, as agents of our thoughts, feelings, sensations and actions. We can switch between these two modes of self-observation, depending on our intention, attention and situation.

Dept of Consciousness Through Resonance of Om

Consciousness is one of the most fascinating and elusive phenomena in the universe. It is the subjective experience of being aware, feeling, thinking, perceiving and communicating.

Resonance can also be a way of connecting with other conscious beings, as well as with the deeper aspects of ourselves. One ancient practice that aims to achieve this connection is the chanting of Om. Om is said to represent the primordial vibration of the cosmos, the source and essence of all existence. By chanting Om, we can tune our minds and bodies to this cosmic vibration, creating a resonance that aligns us with the universal consciousness. This can lead to profound states of meditation, insight, bliss and healing. Some studies have shown that chanting Om can alter brain activity, induce relaxation, lower blood pressure and enhance immune function.

By chanting Om, we are creating a resonance between our sound waves and our brain waves, as well as between our brain waves and the cosmic vibration. This resonance can amplify our awareness, our creativity and our connection with ourselves and others. It can also affect the quality and quantity of light that we emit and receive. Light is not only a physical phenomenon but also a symbol of consciousness.


Consciousness is the essence of our being, the awareness that we have of ourselves and the world. Primordial sound is the vibration that pervades the cosmos, the origin and manifestation of all existence. In this, we have learned how these two concepts are related, and how we can use the sacred sound of Om to tune into the universal consciousness. But there is much more to discover about the nature and power of sound, both primordial and cosmic. Sound is not only a physical phenomenon but also a spiritual one. Sound can create and destroy, heal and harm, inspire and enlighten. Sound can affect our mind, body and soul in profound ways.

Manifest Through Om – The Interplay Of Vibration, Intention & Action

Manifestation through Om refers to the alignment of your frequency with the frequency of the universe. But there is always an interplay of vibration, intention, and actions to manifest something in your life. Chanting om clears your mind enough so that you can have a precise alignment of your intentions with your goals. Imagine you want your whole family to live together peacefully and all family members respect each other’s choices. But whenever you try to manifest you start thinking about the arguments, quarrels, and negativity in your family, and you deviate from the goal and intentions you have while trying to manifest.  Therefore, chanting om clears your negative thoughts and distractions so that you can have a very clear idea about what you desire in your life.

This blog will help you understand the science behind the manifestation process and how entanglement works to bring two particles together to develop interdependency. It means that whatever happens to one particle will be reflected in the other particle. For example, having peace in life is one particle and your thought is the other particle. Having positive thoughts will significantly influence peace in your life and also your intentions. Life is all about perception and your consciousness that you are also a co-creator who shapes the realities around you. So, what are you waiting for, let’s explore the interplay of vibration, intention, and action.

The Law of Entanglement

The law of entanglement is a concept of quantum physics that suggests that if two particles are linked in a way their quantum state becomes dependent on each other. The law of entanglement suggests that if we check the state of one particle, we can know the state of another particle because of clear dependency. It is because both particles are in the same quantum field or equipotential space. 

But the question is how you bring your life and your goals into the same quantum field. You do it by your thoughts by sending it to the universal electromagnetic field and then the electromagnetic field transfers that information to your goal. It is like A to C and C to B process, where C is the universal electromagnetic field. The biggest tool to have clearer thoughts and align the same frequency as the universe is by producing vowel sounds such as the primordial sound Om.

When you chant Om you try to imitate the same frequency as the universal field of creation and then you transfer your message to the universe which in return transfers it to physical form by changing its form from particle to mass. This can be understood by E=mc2, which is also the subject of Dr. Ramon Llamba’s book, ॐ = mc2 on the manifestation from the quantum physics angle. Read this book and explore the endless space of quantum physics and ancient science that will open the door of peace and harmony in your life. It is available online to purchase. Either way, you must be wondering what is the role of interplay here. Let’s discuss it in detail.

Interplay Of Thoughts, Intentions, and Actions

The interplay of thoughts, intentions, and actions represents the perfect alignment of your thoughts with your intentions and then your actions. If all three have the same rhythm then you can manifest anything in your life. First, you should know that everything in this universe is made of energy and vibration. Everything possesses a quantum field, which is an invisible force that shapes and influences. As we mentioned in the last section, two particles are said to be entangled and they share the same quantum field. In other words, they are vibrating at the same frequency i.e. resonating with each other. 

Let’s understand how this is implemented in manifestation. As we said, to manifest something you need a perfect alignment of your thoughts, intentions, and actions with the quantum field of the thing you want to manifest. To do so you need positive thoughts and attitude. Along with that, you should work towards that as well. Let’s say you want more wealth in your life, then you need to show gratefulness towards the wealth and assets you already have, and then, direct your thoughts to have more of that. Surrendering the ego and other negative energies which can be hindrances in your manifestation process is very important. Chanting Om and showing more gratitude for what you already have stabilizes your frequency and helps you to manage it according to the frequencies of the universe.

The next thing you need to do is grab the opportunities with an open mind and be ready to act on them. This is the part of action that should be in the same frequency as your thoughts and intentions. Avoid all negative thoughts and emotions which can lower your vibrations and your purpose. Once again, the best way to do so is by focusing your mind with the help of Om chanting which helps you eradicate any negative alignment in your mind. This is how you are creating a clear connection between you and your goal by using the power of your thoughts. However, there is also another concept that can hinder your manifestation process and that is – subconscious thoughts. Dr. Ramon Llamba’s book gives you detailed information about how your subconscious mind influences your outcomes in life. So, do check out Dr. Ramon Llamba’s book ॐ = mc2 which will give you complete information about the subconscious mind and how you can manage it for a peaceful and successful life. 

Subconscious Thoughts

Subconscious thoughts refer to the thoughts that remain in your mind but you do not have any control over them because it is created by your conscious thoughts when you are not focusing on them. For example, you try to act bravely against ghosts or paranormal creatures but deep inside you unknowingly develop a thought that works in contradiction with your conscious thoughts. If you try to force a thought consciously, there is a possibility that a counterthought may be generated subconsciously. Therefore, it is suggested that you first refine your conscious thoughts with full commitment and clarity so that there remain no secondary thoughts about your intentions because they can influence your manifestation. Also, avoid overconfidence because it can also develop subconscious thoughts. The subconscious mind keeps your memories, emotions, beliefs, traumas, desires, and impulses. Therefore, to have a stable subconscious mind, you should work deeply on your conscious thoughts.

Quantum physics shows us that our thoughts and beliefs can affect the behavior of the particle due to our observations and intention behind it. That’s why you should have clear, positive, and aligned thoughts while desiring something. For that, you can use various methods including chanting Om and producing other vowel sounds, praying, gratitude, etc. All these activities possess certain frequencies which are in alignment with the universe. The deeper and clearer your prayer is more effective it will be to stabilise your thoughts and intentions. By reading Dr. Ramon Llamba’s book ॐ = mc2, you can have a very clear understanding of various aspects of manifestation processes and how they work in a step-wise process. 


We can conclude that everything you desire in your life can be manifested if you have a proper interplay of your thoughts, intentions, and actions. It can be seen if you are doing an action with pride then also it can influence your manifestation process. All these particles of the quantum universe should be in the same quantum field resonating to your desire. If you want to learn more about such a fascinating and life-changing concept through the glasses of science, then must read Dr. Ramon Llamba’s ॐ = mc2  to marry science and spirituality together from the words of experienced life coach and business coach Dr. Ramon Llamba. You can purchase a copy through Amazon or you can get more information regarding it from Golden Age Transformation’s website. The person who wants to manifest happiness and positivity in life should read this book. Remember! You are infinite.

Power of Primordial Sound ‘Om’ – Transcending You To Undiscovered Realms

The primordial sound ‘Om’ is believed to be the essence of the supreme absolute or consciousness or cosmic world. It is not just a sacred sound used in various religions but it is the sound of creation from quantum physics as well. The power of primordial sound resides in its ability to transcend you to the metaphysical space or the undiscovered realms of infinite possibilities. Does it sound too fascinating to believe? Well! We understand that most humans are stuck in the cobwebs of materialistic existence and forget that they are also co-creators of their reality. Yes! You can indeed connect with the quantum field with the help of primordial sound.

This blog will help you give an idea about how the sounds you produce are associated with the possibilities you want to manifest in your life. It is said that if you want to manifest something in your life, you should have a clear thought and intention about it. We’ll help you understand this concept through this blog. So, aren’t you excited to lift to the heights of endless possibilities? Let’s get started!

Chanting Om

Chanting Om sound is one of the ancient methods to help you have a clutter-free mind so that you can focus on your goal. Om (Aum) is believed to be the primordial sound, the sound of creation or absolute consciousness. Chanting Om makes the practitioner imitate the similar sound of universal creation. It gives you the power to align your internal vibration with the vibration of the cosmos and you connect with the true self. Although chanting om also gives your mind mental and physical peace, it is also a tool to give you ultimate consciousness. To manifest anything in your life, you need mental clarity which you achieve through Om.

You must be wondering, how such sounds can affect your mind, body and soul. Well! There is deep science behind the metaphysical abilities of sound which helps you to transcend to the unknown realms of the universe. Do you know every sound you produce makes a toroidal field? But what is a toroidal field? A toroidal field is a doughnut-shaped scalar field that carries information and energy across different dimensions produced by sound waves. It is a fascinating concept of quantum physics because it is proposed that a toroidal field travels instantaneously and works beyond the law of action and reaction. That is why it is believed that through primordial sounds we can communicate through metaphysical realms and connect with the magnetic field of the universe.

In mythological shows, you might have seen people moving from one place to another or from one lok to a different lok just by doing meditation. It is because the person doesn’t physically move but moves their thoughts with the speed of life and penetrates them beyond the limitation of the earth’s magnetic field. Einstein’s E=mc2 and focusing with the help of Om also work on the same concept. The equation proposed that energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into each other if the mass moves with the square of the speed of light. So, when we see mythological people moving from one place to another it is because they start flowing with the speed of light and become energy that can go beyond the limitation of earth. Similarly, when you chant Om, you transform your thoughts into particle form and give it mass by moving it with the speed of light.

If you can align your thoughts with the universal field you can manifest anything in your life and the best way to do so is by chanting Om, which clears your thoughts, intentions, and objectives. Dr. Ramon Llamba has written an interesting book, ॐ = MC2 which will give you a deep understanding of how you can manifest reality by aligning your energy with the universe. To know how primordial sound works, you should have a little idea about the power of vowel sounds.

What Are Scalar Waves?

Scalar waves are a special type of longitudinal wave that was first proposed by Nikola Tesla. We know that sound waves are classified into transversal and longitudinal forms. When we say Scalar waves are longitudinal it means the waves which oscillate parallel to the direction of propagation. Mainstream science didn’t value the concept of scalar waves until quantum physics started expanding. Now! What is the relation of scalar waves with Om? it is because one of the ways to produce scalar waves is by using sound, specifically vowel sounds. Each vowel sound has a unique toroidal field which carries the information and energy to the meta-dimensions.

If we look at Om which is pronounced ‘Aum’ has different vowel sounds within it and it is also believed to be a complete vowel sound in itself. ‘Aa’ sound represents creation or existence, the ‘Ou’ Sound represents preservation or ultimate consciousness, and the ‘Um’ sound represents dissolution.  Therefore, Om is the ultimate sound that speaks of creation, life, and destruction. Which is the basic flow of the universe. In ancient scripture, many different root sounds (beej) are mentioned which can be used to transfer different information to the metaphysical realms. Such as lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, om, and ah, which represent different chakras, planets, and existence.

While producing scalar sounds, intentions are also very important because if your intentions are not clear then you will transfer wrong information to the universe and will get negative results or unexpected results in returns. As we discussed chanting om and mediating can clear your thoughts about what you want in your life. Therefore, we suggest you practice more and more over clearing your thoughts before moving to the next steps of manifestation. Different mantras and verses are also aligned in a pattern of different sounds which communicate certain messages in a formula form. Therefore, it is suggested to pronounce Sanskrit mantras with clarity so that correct information is transferred.

Similar fascinating information will be available in Dr. Roman Llamba’s book ॐ = MC2 which you can purchase online from Amazon or order from Golden Age Transformation directly.


Our universe is a magnetic field that is full of endless possibilities. We can gain anything in our lives by focusing our minds on the right frequency from the universe. And chanting om gives you complete clarity about what you want in your life and develops clear and defined thoughts in your mind. Read more about how you gain manifest anything in your life by getting more clarity on your thoughts and following various techniques from Dr. Ramon Llamba’s books ॐ = MC2, which is a complete guide about manifesting reality in your life. Always know that you are the co-creator of your realities and not just the spectator. Once you know this, you can create anything in your life. But also remember, that with great power comes great responsibilities. Therefore, always check your thoughts for positive manifestation and beyond materialistic needs.

HUMAN EGO; Why is it Dangerous & Why is it Healthy?

Let’s talk about the Human Ego; Why is it Dangerous & Why is it Healthy?

‘EGO’ Means ‘Edging God Out’

So when you understand this whole concept of ‘Ego’; E.G.O; it means ‘Edging God Out’! What does that mean?

Each one of us, individuals, have this beautiful ‘God Essence’ in us and when we are functioning in co-relationships and we feel a threat from the outside world, we pull up these strong ‘Defence Mechanisms’, these are ‘Behaviour Mechanisms’ that become walls of separation between two people in a relationship, we edge the God out of that person and begin to view the relationship more from a threat perspective than a creation perspective.

‘Healthy Ego’ V/s ‘Unhealthy Ego’

Having a ‘Healthy Ego’ is really necessary for us and we could use the ‘Human Ego’ as a tool when there is danger or when somebody is intentionally attacking us.

But having an ‘Ego’ functioning all the time in our relationships is not a great idea, because it only separates us from our ‘Karmic Group Souls’ and takes away the objectivity of life of ‘Why we are here?’

Two Things To Understand

My Dear Souls, it’s important you understand;

  • You came into life to create ‘Unconditional Love’ with certain souls on this planet, they are your family members, they are your co-relationships, and
  • All of those lessons that are coming back today, the experiences that are coming back to you are experiences you may have given out to them in some lifetime.

‘Whatever You Give Out, Will Come Back To You!’

This means that, if somebody is hurting you, then at some point in time, you have given out that vibration to somebody in the Universe. Because nothing in our Universe comes back to us without having given it out.

Thus, to every cause you put into motion, there is an effect, so rather than changing the effect that has come out, it’s best that you go within, drop your ‘Ego’, drop these ‘Defence Mechanisms’, and look at the cause.

Ask Yourself, ‘What is that Energy that I’m giving out?’, ‘Am I being Unkind to Someone?’, ‘Am I Hurting People?’

My Dear Souls, separating from people, your core group souls, is not really a healthy option. Creating these vibrational wars in families, among your own siblings, among your own spouses is not a very healthy and great option.

Difference between ‘Healthy Ego’ & ‘Animal Instinct Ego’

We are stepping into a new world of Kindness, Love, Compassion, Oneness, and Unconditional Receiving, so it’s time to understand the difference between a ‘Healthy Ego’ and an ‘Animal Instinct Ego’, which comes from ‘Defence Mechanisms’ and we don’t need this ‘Lower Ego self’ all the time.
Because trust me, when you are carrying this ‘Ego Self’ with you, it is really really so heavy and it weighs you down in life. So please educate yourself about the context of life.


Life is a game and every game has its thumb rules. When you play the game wrong, obviously your chances of losing the game become high and there are very bleak chances of you winning it.
So if you wanna come out as a winner in this ‘Game of Life’, and in your ‘Soul’s Journey’, it’s very important you technically understand the thumb rules of this game;

The parameters of the ground that you are playing this game on &
The players which are in your team, i.e, Your own family members.

Thus, if you can relate, in a game of cricket there are 12 members in a team, right? All in ‘One Team’. Just imagine, if the team goes out to play, to win the World Cup and a few players are just angry with each other, not willing to play the game in synchronization with each other, there is ‘No Chance’ of them winning the World Cup!

So your family, your core blood relationships, and your immediate family are ‘YOUR CRICKET TEAM’. It’s important to unconditionally love and accept them and function from Harmony, Oneness, Peace & Kindness;

  • Let go of all the Drama
  • Let go of all the Negative Ways of Being &
  • Function from the ‘Soul Quotient’ or ‘Oneness Quotient’

Ok, That is all for now…
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See you in the next post, Have a Wonderful Day!

“The Harmful Effects of Ego in Relationships” By Dr. Ramon Llamba


Let me give you an understanding, a better understanding of how one must use the ‘EGO’.


The term “Ego” is often used in psychology to refer to a person’s sense of self or identity. It includes their beliefs, values, emotions, and attitudes about themselves, others, and the world around them.

When we function from Ego, we tend to view the world through our own self-centered lens. We are often focused on our own desires, needs, and goals, and can become disconnected from others. This can create barriers between us and others, leading to a lack of empathy, understanding, and connection.

The ego is an energy that was given to us for self-defense and should only be used when needed with a choice. However, in our co-relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, we do not need to use our Ego.


Allowing people to make mistakes and treating us unkindly or rudely should not be met with Ego. Instead, we can use our Intelligence, Communication Skills, and Assertiveness to let them know that their behavior is not invited into our lives. Cutting out relationships and functioning from Ego is not a healthy choice. Relationships are given to us for a reason, and they can contribute to our growth.

Let’s say that you have a friend who often cancels plans at the last minute without much explanation. This has happened several times, and each time you feel disappointed and frustrated. You could respond to this situation with Ego by getting angry, defensive, and blaming your friend for being inconsiderate. This reaction would likely create distance in your relationship and may cause your friend to become defensive and unwilling to engage with you.

Instead of reacting with Ego, you can use your intelligence, communication skills, and assertiveness to let your friend know how their behavior affects you. You can express your disappointment and frustration and explain that you value their friendship and time together. By communicating assertively and honestly, you give your friend the opportunity to hear your concerns and respond with empathy and understanding.

If your friend continues to cancel plans without explanation, you may need to reevaluate the boundaries of your relationship. However, cutting out relationships and functioning from Ego is not a healthy choice. By recognizing that relationships are given to us for a reason, we can approach challenging situations with compassion and growth in mind.


When we function from Ego, we create barriers and separate ourselves from others. The ego is one of the most damaging platforms to function in life from. It is important to understand that using Ego as an automatic response is not a healthy option, and it will only take us away from our relationships.

It is important to note that everyone has an Ego, and it is not always a bad thing. A healthy sense of self-esteem and self-confidence is important for our well-being. However, when we rely on Ego as an automatic response to the world around us, it can become a damaging platform to function from.


In contrast, when we function from a place of empathy, compassion, and understanding, we are better able to connect with others and build meaningful relationships. We are more open to different perspectives and are less likely to become defensive or hostile.

Therefore, it is essential to understand and manage our Ego, so that it does not take over our lives and harm our relationships with others. By developing self-awareness, practicing empathy and compassion, and striving to see the world from different perspectives, we can break down the barriers that Ego creates and build stronger, more meaningful connections with those around us.

We can learn valuable lessons from the people who hurt us the most. Their hurt can make us more forgiving, patient, and understanding of human behavior. Instead of using Ego, we can function from a space of love, forgiveness, and allowance. We should only use our Ego in times of real-life threat or danger.

In conclusion, it is important to use our Ego only when needed with a choice. We should not use it in our relationships with loved ones, as it can damage those relationships. Instead, we can use our communication skills and assertiveness to address the behavior that we do not invite into our lives. We should function from a space of love and forgiveness and allow our relationships to contribute to our growth.

Ok, That is all for now…
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See you in the next post, Have a Wonderful Day!

Emotions Responsible for Depression & How Can We Handle Them?

We all experience ‘Negative & Positive Emotions’ in our life, but do you know, our ‘Emotions’ can adversely affect our bodies?

A lot of research & studies have proved that if we do not manage our Negative Emotions properly, they can create a chronic stress condition in our body, which can cause;

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Alter our Brain Chemicals
  • Effect on our Immune System

Importance of Emotional Health

There is a deep connection between Physical & Emotional Health. Forex; 

Physical Health is a ‘Car’ and Emotional Health is the ‘Driver’ of that car, so no matter how good your ‘Car’ is, the quality of drive will always depend on the skills of the ‘Driver’.

Human Emotions are of two types; Positive & Negative. They are basically the drivers of our reality. They hold a huge capacity that could either build or burn our cells

If you look at the human body, it is nothing but a cluster of 80 trillion such cells. So if we constantly keep ourselves in Negative Emotions, in terms of; fear, anger, and irritation, our cells start to deteriorate and our body starts taking a Negative Direction. On the other hand, if we constantly keep ourselves in Happy emotions, like; love, gratitude, kindness, happiness, and joy, we realize that our body is going in a positive direction. 

Thus, it is very very important to experience ‘Holistic Wellness’, by addressing our Emotional as well as Physical state of being. If we put this in a ratio, then it is 70:30;

  • 70% of our Emotional Well-being which also takes care of our mental well-being.
  • 30% is our Physical Well-being.

Context of The Human Brain

To keep our Emotions aligned with our mind, it is very important to understand the Context of the Human Brain.

  • What are these Emotions?
  • Are we having a factory inside us, that is manufacturing Negative Emotions like Anger, every moment?
  • What is this mechanism in our body?

If we understand the human body, we have a ‘Brain’, and each and every Emotion is nothing but a ‘Biochemical Reaction’.

  • Bio – Biology(Body)
  • Chemical – Chemicals that come out of our Brain

Our ‘Brain’ has the capacity to give out at least 1300 such chemicals, and their basic work is to manage our body, for ex; Our Digestion, Heart Beat, Blood Circulation, etc.

A lot of our automatic functions are being managed by these chemicals. Likewise, our Emotions are also managed by these chemicals, for ex; 

  • ‘Anger’ is nothing but a chemical called Cortisol.
  • ‘Fear’ is nothing but a chemical called Adrenal Cortisol.

These Emotions were given to us for the reason that whenever in life we need self-defense, we could use them. 24 hours our brain is going into a fear mechanism, which means that 24 hours we are feeding ‘Cortisol’ to our body ‘Cortisol’ is such a Negative Chemical that if used continuously, it’s like fire, it starts to eat up our cells. 

Research has stated that 1 minute of Anger, gives enough ‘Cortisol’ to our bloodstream, that it takes 3 days for our body to repair it. 

‘1 minute of Anger, eats up our blood cells to an extent that it takes 3 days for our body to repair it!’

If in a regular routine, we do exercise, go to the gym, do cardio, and all, then this excess ‘Cortisol’ is being consumed.

Causes of Depression

Over the span of living life, people have misinterpreted the context of living life; 

  • The whole competition of wanting to prove yourself creates a lot of mental stress and because we are not being able to perform to match up to the materialistic things in life, somewhere we feel deprived and take ourselves to a low state of ‘ I am not good enough’ or ‘I can’t survive in this whole competitive world’.
  • Social Media Pressure or Looking Good Pressure; If you look at a human emotional state, in a natural flow, it stays up and down. In earlier times also people used to be sad, but there was no such meaning attached to it, because the word, ‘Depression’ has become more of a fashion statement.

So ‘Depression’, as widely used, is nothing but a low state of mind. The other type of ‘Depression’ is ‘Clinical Depression’ where literally, our brain chemicals go into an imbalance. Truly, ‘Depression‘ is a very ‘Clinical’ term where our brain is giving more ‘Cortisol’ instead of Positive Chemicals, so it is an imbalance in the brain. If I tell this in a layman’s language then, 

‘Depression is nothing but our brain deprived of Oxygen’

If you see’ Nature’, it has been designed so beautifully. Trees need ‘Carbon dioxide’ to survive and Human beings need ‘Oxygen’ to survive Trees give out ‘Oxygen’ and Human Beings give out ‘Carbon dioxide’. Therefore, the more you go into nature, the more you can receive from it. 

That’s why in olden times people used to say the more you are synchronized with nature, coexist with nature, you can deal with things like ‘Depression’.

 Tips to Handle Depression

  • A 360* approach(Synchronising of Emotional Health and Physical Health). 

To manage Physical health, ‘Nutrition’ is very important, most notably for ’Depression’, we should include a few things in our food habits that are the must-haves.

  • All food high in ‘Serotonin’, for example; Banana. Min 2 bananas are every day for a depressed client.
  • Pineapple is very very high in ‘Serotonin’.
  • 3-4 Walnuts on empty stomach, very healthy for the brain.
  • Flax Seeds, 2 teaspoons on empty stomach with a glass of water.
  • Khus has a high Melatonin( A sleep chemical), a natural stimulant for sleeping, before sleeping, have Khus Khus and Almond Milk.

These are the thumb rule principles of taking care of healthy nutrition and obviously a lot of intake of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Now talking about Emotional Balance;

  • It’s very important to expose ourselves to ‘Sunlight’, especially when it touches directly on our ‘Pineal Gland’ or the ‘Third eye, it stimulates and creates a lot of ‘Serotonin’ levels. Thus, sunlight is very important for ‘Depression’ Patients.  
  • ‘Breathing’ techniques are very important and if you can hire a Yoga coach, they can guide you towards the right breathing techniques, especially the Pranayaam; ‘Brahmari’, where the brain neurons are stimulated with the help of a humming sound. When we create that humming in the brain, it gets a massage and when the neurons get stimulated, they excite the chemicals and elevate our mood.
  • These days a lot of endorsement has been given to ‘Meditation’. Meditation is basically when we consciously go into an internal state, a very calm state, and at that time our brain gives out Positive Chemicals like ‘Serotonin’, ‘Oxytocin’, ‘Dopamine’ & ‘Endorphins’. These chemicals help build up our cells. In fact, research has also proved that with 3 min of ‘Meditation’, our brain gives out 1200 Positive Chemicals that keep our body in a state of positive momentum for 6 hours. ( Research from Hartman Institute of Florida, which do a lot of research on Meditation)

So my suggestion to my readers is;

  • Physical exercise is very important. If you can’t do anything, just a 30 min walk, 4 times a week is enough. This will maintain your Physical state.
  • To balance your Emotional state, do deep breathing, yoga, and meditation, as an everyday routine. In fact, I tell my clients to do deep breathing just like they drink water, for 2 mins, 5-6 times a day.
  • Staying in happy company and keeping yourself away from any kind of negativity are very few quick-fix remedies for a very holistic approach to creating Mental, Emotional & Physical well-being.

Ok, That is all for now…

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See you in the next post, Have a Wonderful Day!

‘SPIRITUALITY’ Finding the Spirit or Essence of God Within

Let’s talk about this whole essence of what exactly ‘Spirituality’ is about? And how can one actually go within and get in touch with that spiritual essence of who we really are?

Understanding the term ‘SPIRITUALITY’

So when you understand this term, ‘Spirituality’, it is referring to the ‘Spirit’ within us or the ‘Soul Quotient’ that we call it.

As we live our lives, we somehow become programmed devices to our mind programs and we become ‘Automatic’ in our ‘Behaviour’. It’s not really our fault because our 0-14 years of age are so vulnerable that we get conditioned to our environmental behaviour and how we were treated as children. All of these programs are being recorded or all of these experiences are being recorded in our subconscious mind and they start coming out as ‘Automatic behaviors’ when we grow up.

‘Spirituality’ is basically when you move out of your mind programs and your emotional programs and come into the space of your ‘Spirit’ or your ‘Soul’. It’s a journey within my dear friends!

Finding the Essence of God Within!

‘Spirituality’ is not about running here and there and doing many prayers. I mean, it does help to make these prayers, but only if you are really mindfully meaning them and are able to go within. When you go within, when you peel off all the layers that you accumulated since lifetimes, since your mother’s womb( we pick up behaviours when we are in our mother’s womb, we pick up patterns, we pick up emotional vibrations when we are in our mother’s womb or in  our 0-14 years of conditioning) we reach a divine space deep within us, which is our ‘Spirit’ and that is carrying the ‘Essence of God’.

Yes my dear friends, each one of us is carrying the ‘Spirit’ and the ‘Essence of God’. So if we call God a huge ocean, we are all the drops of the ocean that have the same properties. 

‘Spirituality’ is when we can be mindful about our anger, our fear, our guilt, our sadness. I am not saying spiritual people don’t feel these emotions, in fact spiritual people are more aware of these emotions and they understand that having these emotions is as normal and natural as anything else. But when you are in touch with the ‘Spirit’ within and you’re pouring the ‘God Essence’ out or you are broadcasting the God Vibrations, then you don’t damage other people with your anger, you don’t hurt people with your words and you are not rude. You become kind, soft & gentle. You start seeing divinity in every single cell of existence, that for me is ‘Spirituality’.


Living a ‘Spiritual Life’ is about being kind, being compassionate, especially with your karmic group souls, where you understand that your life is here with a purpose, and your only purpose is to give ‘Unconditional Love’ to everybody.

‘Spirituality’ is not about ringing bells in temples or running here and there or just sitting and doing meditation. It’s about house cleaning. We came here to clean the scars or the imprints that we have been carrying since lifetimes on our soul. It’s about cleaning your soul and making it white and impeccable again. It’s about finding divinity within.


A ‘Spiritual person’ is someone, when somebody else makes a mistake or hurts them, then rather than reacting, he just looks at them and says, ‘Here’s another piece of God, who doesn’t even know what he/she is doing!’ It’s a place of compassion. It’s a place of spiritual sight.

‘Spiritual people’ are people who go within and understand what their ‘Dharma’ or ‘Purpose’ is.

Now for me, How do I understand ‘Dharma’


‘Dharma’ or ‘Dharam’ is not about Religion! But it’s about the ‘Religion of my Soul’. What is the ‘Dharma’ of my soul? What was the purpose of my life? Why did I come here?

If I have these few people as my relationships, my spouse, my in-laws, my children, my parents, my siblings, What undone business do I have with them? What is the undone Karma that I am here for?

So when you go within and become so mindful and aware of every single moment of your breath, that is when you actually end up being a ‘Spiritual person’

These days people are wearing the ‘Spiritual Badge’ about doing their Meditations or doing Home-chanting. These are tools primarily to take you within the space of your soul. So like, if you want to go from Delhi to Ludhiana, your tool is your Car, Right? Or your Train or Bus, it’s a ‘Vehicle’, Right?

Similarly, ‘Prayers’, ‘Meditations’, ‘Chanting’ or ‘Mantras’ are all rituals that we do, the basic tools that take you within your own ‘Divinity’. But staying there 24×7, getting a grip on that ground and functioning life not from the auto programs that are in your mind and your subconscious and unconscious memories, but being in that space of the ‘Soul’ and functioning from that aspect of you is what ‘Spirituality’ is all about.

And trust me my dear souls, when you get to that space, it is so ‘Divine’, it is a state of fearlessness, a state of surrender, compassion, kindness and you fall in love with life, you fall in love with yourself! 

When you look at ‘Existence’, you can see the Divine in every single aspect and truly ‘Spiritual people’ are people who have embodied the spirit of God in every single cell of their being and are broadcasting that energy moment to moment. They shine their light everywhere where there is darkness, the moment they show their presence, the moment they step in there, the darkness goes away or starts fading away. 

Truly Spiritual People don’t live from an Ego Consciousness, they see everything as one and in their world nothing is superior or inferior, everything is a 50-50 equal and One. Because the truth is, we are all very very very divinely connected to one another and each one of us is here to live our story, clean our soul and find our own purpose.

Spiritual People don’t focus on changing other people because they realise that; 

‘When I change, my world changes, because my outside world is a direct reflection of my inner vibrations & every single vibration that I am broadcasting, will come back to me as my reality!’

Time to Question Yourself!

So my dear souls, this is a beautiful time to go within and question yourself;

  • Are you functioning from the past experiences of your subconscious/ unconscious auto programs?
  • Are you just an auto-program robot? Or
  • Are you willing to be this divine, infinite spiritual person, who can get a grip on their Soul Essence & their Soul Quotient(SQ)?

So your ‘SQ’ is the mother of your IQ, EQ & PQ. When you get a grip on this, that is when you arise to the essence of who you are Spiritually!

Wishing you all a great ‘Journey within’ my dear souls! Because you came here to master yourself, you came here to clean the scars on your soul. You did not come here to judge other people. You did not come here to clean other people. It is not your job. Your job is to love yourself. Your job is to go within and clean yourself. And when you become that embodied frequency of high vibrations, you start broadcasting an energy where you start loving and giving out compassionate love to every single person on the planet. I hope you find the essence of your soul within. Remember you have divinity within you!

Ok, That is all for now…

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See you in the next post, Have a Wonderful Day!


Hi, Everybody!

This is Dr. Raman Lamba. Today I want to give you a formula or grip on how you can manage all your problems. 

Everything In The Universe Is Energy!

So when you understand life in all, everything in the universe is Energy. And when you understand the thumb rule fundamentals of Energy, there is something. 

Our universe is made up of 99.99% empty space. And what we call the matter of the solid world is only 0.001%. So all the problems that exist, exist in the form of matter. That means they exist in the 0.1% domain, the domain of matter. 

Field Of Potential!

So what I’m trying to tell you here is we have so much empty space available at every given point of time to create new possibilities, because this empty space is filled up with infinite Energy and it’s called the ‘Field of potential’, or the field of pure potential. That means that this field has every possibility available there. And what creates your reality is basically where you put your focus. 

The Theory Of Observation!

Yes, there is a theory in physics called the ‘Theory of observation’ which proves that it is the human consciousness that creates a reality by observing a reality as it is. So when we talk about observation, observation means the thought that we are thinking, the feeling that we are feeling, or our mindsets to where we are looking at. 

So the only way where you can find an escape from your problems is to focus on the solutions. And the solutions lie in the empty space. In the field of potential, the problem is matter. And when you’re focusing on the problem, you are more. 

So matter plus matter is equal to more matter, and you’re feeding Energy to the problem, so the problem grows. But when you focus on the solution, you are actually feeding that empty space with a question and with the synchronicity and with the co-creation energies between you and the Universe, some magic shows up! 

So this is not really pure luck or it’s just not random jargon. It’s pure physics. It’s pure quantum physics. One thing you must understand is Energy flows where focus goes, or Energy flows where the mind creates focus. 

The Right Focus?

So focus could be through a thought, through a feeling, through an intention, or just through visualising. So the first thing you need to really, really train yourself if you want to change the quality of your life is train your mindset and train your focus point to focus on solutions at every given point of time.

Create an Empty Space of Pure Potential!

Normally, our focus is on what we don’t have. So we are feeding Energy to what we don’t have, and what we don’t have grows. But if you are mindful enough and understand this phenomena of the theory of observation and the power of the mind focus, then you understand that most of the time, when you’re focusing on empty space with a pure positive intention, you’re actually creating from that ‘Empty space of pure potential’

Understand the Power of Human Conscience!

So, my dear friends, you must understand if there’s anything on the planet that can actually manipulate matter or create something out of nothing? It is the power of the human mind or the power of the human conscience. So become mindful, learn the game, and become the creators of your reality. Because if you focus on the matter part of it or the problem part of it, you truly are being the destroyer of your reality. 

This is your life coach, Dr. Roma Lamba, and feel free to ask me any questions about this.

 Remember, you live in a very friendly universe, and there’s great love for you on the planet. Ok, That is all for now…

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See you in the next post, Have a Wonderful Day!

Understanding The Hierarchy of Human Intelligence: SQ, EQ, IQ & PQ

HELLO  Everyone! This is Ramon Llamba, Your Life Coach, once again to take you on a Journey of the Hierarchy of Human Intelligence!

What exactly do we mean by the term ‘Hierarchy of human intelligence’? 

All along, we’ve been hearing about ‘IQ’ or what we call the ‘Intelligence Quotient’, The people who excelled and actually picked up professional tasks in corporations or in schools were based on how expanded their Intelligence quotient was. And then obviously after the IQ, came a time when people actually started valuing people based on their ‘EQ’ or the ‘Emotional Quotient’

But is that all that is there to human existence? or Is there more to our existence that contributes to our being here, as a perfect Whole & Complete?

So let me take you on a complete journey of what are the ‘Four Major Quotients’ that make up the Hierarchy of Your Intelligence!

As you understand, ‘IQ’ is the ‘ ‘Function of the Brain’ and we all have a basic understanding that all of our intelligence, interactions, and perceiving of knowledge from the outside world is a function of the human brain. 

Our ‘Emotional Quotient’ is basically ‘Our Ability to Handle Our Emotions’. We basically act in two ways; Either we React or we Act Intelligently. And we have ‘Two Kinds of Emotions’ which are Positive Emotions and Negative Emotions. Thus, Our ability to handle our options with a choice when needed, is what gives us an Expanded Level of Awareness and an Expanded Emotional Quotient.

So, I’ve spoken about your ‘IQ’ and I’ve spoken about your ‘EQ’. Now let’s talk about the other two quotients that we normally don’t even think about or we didn’t know existed!

The third one is your ‘PQ’, Your ‘Physical Quotient’ or ‘Your Body’. How many of us don’t even understand the significance of this human body? Let me ask you a question; Where would you live if you did not have a body? I mean, What would you do? Would your existence be possible without this body? It’s impossible to exist in this physical reality of life without this physical body, which has form and structure, which houses your ‘SQ’, which is your ‘Soul Quotient’.

So in a nutshell, when I talk about the Hierarchy of Human Intelligence, I would say it is your SQ that is your Soul, which is the Mother of your PQ, EQ & IQ. Now, what does this really mean? This means that you are a Being that has a Body, so the Being is your Soul, it’s the energy part of you and this Being has a Physical body and that Body has a Mind which contributes to your IQ and Emotions, which contributes to your EQ.

Thus, the Hierarchy of Human Intelligence is; 

  • Creating a deep understanding of all the Four Quotients of your existence.
  • Understanding that it’s very very important to create a balance between your Soul Quotient, Physical Quotient, Emotional Quotient, and your Intelligent Quotient.
  • Also understand that these quotients are four separate quotients, but they coexist with each other.

It simply means, like in a family you have a mother, a father, and two children. So they are all separate individuals, but as a family, they coexist inside each other and anything that happens to one of them, impacts the other three people in their life. So likewise, all of these Four Quotients exist separately, but keeping a balance between them is very very important because they coexist inside each other and an imbalance in any of these Quotients will create an imbalance holistically in your existence and that’s exactly what we mean by understanding The Hierarchy of your Intelligence which is the Human Intelligence.

Therefore, I am inviting you to go deep down into understanding yourself, because if you have not understood yourself, How will you function in life? How will you face the challenges of life? So it’s important to understand; 

  • How does our Physical Body Function? 
  • What about this Soul? 
  • What about our Spiritual Quotient?
  • Our Soul Quotient? 
  • What’s going to happen to us?
  • Are we just Energy or Are we something beyond that?
  • Understanding our Emotional Bodies; How to manage our Positive and Negative Emotions, with a choice?
  • Understanding how the Human Brain Functions?
  • How can you actually use your Intelligent brain or your Cognitive brain to expand your IQ?

To sum up this session, I would like to tell you that The SQ is the mother of PQ IQ and EQ. Thank you so much and we look forward to giving you a lot more sessions on the same. Ok, That is all for now…

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See you in the next post, Have a Wonderful Day!

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