Considering the event of the evolution of our mother Earth, the process of change, transformation, or, one can say, upgradation of Earth and our lives, is going to happen after 26000 years.

Being a part of development in the womb of mother earth, we as human beings need to resonate with the frequency of our planet. As, the non-alignment of both of these frequencies can lead to depression, insomnia, anxiety, and other mental instabilities.

The live illustration of it could be the situation in 2012. During this year, Mother Earth raised the vibrational frequencies and shifted the axis of her magnetic grid from 3.0 Hz to 12 Hz, a noteworthy transformation from the 3rd dimension in terms of dimensional reality.

What is the Dimesnional Reality?

The dimensions may sound like physical places to you, but they are actually the levels of consciousness. In layman’s terms, it can be understood as the upgrade of human software, where the transformation in the human behavioural patterns, characteristics, essence of existence, etc. occurs.
In the year 2012, Mother Earth invited us to raise our frequencies while moving on from the 3rd dimension. Although the inability of the human frequency to get synchronised with that of the earth led to a rise in cases of depression and anxiety.

In the period between 2012 and 2019, due to a lack of education and awareness, the occurrence of rising frequencies was something new for humans. Being a life and business coach, I have been training people about the 5th dimension and the way of uplifting their energies to the higher levels of consciousness in my life school programme since 2006–2007.

Difference between the 3rd and 5th dimensions.
The third-dimensional world was a finite box where a person’s karma drove his reality. In simple words, the choices that we made in the past, drove our current situations in life.
On the other hand, the fifth dimension is all about the present, where the past is not going to make decisions for your present or future. It is the dimensional reality of love, kindness, and compassion—fulfilling the desires by working on oneself.

The 5th dimension is the aspect of purpose, where one needs to leave thoughts of survival and fear behind to gain abundance. This is the dimensional space where time has no construct; it follows the path of flowing with time, thus making people feel that time is running by.

What is the necessity behind moving into the fifth dimension?

Till 2019, during the transition from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension, people had a choice about making a change in their behavioural patterns, but that was not the case in 2020, when stepping into the world of the 5th dimension was a mandatory idea.

It was high time to accept and integrate into the upcoming or existing modern conditions and understand how to live with them. The ones who were not ready to move forward with new frequencies chose the path of leaving this universe and getting reborn in the new dimension with new vibrations and DNA.

This was the reason why people’s souls left their bodies during the pandemic. People lost their jobs not because the universe wanted them to suffer but because of the lack of purpose in their job and the attitude of being forced by their parents to do so.

The 5th dimension provides you with the opportunity to have access to and a deep understanding of multi-dimensional reality while maintaining balance in the three-dimensional physical world. Here, the only aspect of living a harmonious and peaceful life is alignment with the new vibrations of Mother Earth.

In the internal design of a human being, 99.99% is non-physical spiritual space, and the essence of existence is just 0.01%. Up until now, everyone was fighting for that 0.01% but never gave a chance to understand the 99.99% of spirituality that lies within, which manages one’s real self.

The year 2022 is the year of the acceptance of fifth-dimensional reality and the beginning of the Golden Age, or Satyug. Here, one needs to embrace the truth and not feel sorry for death. The process of birth, death, and rebirth is that 0.01% that explains the eternity of the soul. Here, there will be the presence of compassion instead of judgement over the commitment of any mistake. The comprehensive spirituality will reflect each human as a piece of God.

Why the Golden Age Transformation?

Make yourselves ready to embrace the reality of the Golden Age, or Satyug, with a full scope of acceptance and happiness. I, Ramon Llamba, with my experiential understanding as a coach and motivator at Golden Age Transformation, will assist you to synchronise your vibrations with those of Mother Earth. Hence, I will make you go through the journey of moving from the darkness of your soul to the light of the fifth dimension.

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