Entanglement is the Ability of Two or More Particles to Share a Quantum State, Even When They Are Separated by Vast Distances.

Entanglement is the Ability of Two or More Particles to Share a Quantum State, Even When They Are Separated by Vast Distances.

Introduction In this, we will learn how quantum physics can help us understand and improve our manifestation process. We will discover the concept of quantum entanglement, which shows us that everything in the universe is connected and influenced by our...
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The Concept of Merging Quantum Physics and Spirituality for Successful Manifestation

The Concept of Merging Quantum Physics and Spirituality for Successful Manifestation

Introduction If we want to manifest our desires, we must be mindful of the energy we are putting out into the universe. We must also be aware of the matter that makes up our thoughts and emotions, and how that...
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Manifest Through Om – The Interplay Of Vibration, Intention & Action

Manifest Through Om – The Interplay Of Vibration, Intention & Action

Manifestation through Om refers to the alignment of your frequency with the frequency of the universe. But there is always an interplay of vibration, intention, and actions to manifest something in your life. Chanting om clears your mind enough so...
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Power of Primordial Sound ‘Om’ – Transcending You To Undiscovered Realms

Power of Primordial Sound ‘Om’ – Transcending You To Undiscovered Realms

The primordial sound ‘Om’ is believed to be the essence of the supreme absolute or consciousness or cosmic world. It is not just a sacred sound used in various religions but it is the sound of creation from quantum physics...
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HUMAN EGO;  Why is it Dangerous & Why is it Healthy?

HUMAN EGO; Why is it Dangerous & Why is it Healthy?

Let’s talk about the Human Ego; Why is it Dangerous & Why is it Healthy? ‘EGO’ Means ‘Edging God Out’ So when you understand this whole concept of ‘Ego’; E.G.O; it means ‘Edging God Out’! What does that mean? Each...
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“The Harmful Effects of Ego in Relationships” By Dr. Ramon Llamba

“The Harmful Effects of Ego in Relationships” By Dr. Ramon Llamba

Hi, Let me give you an understanding, a better understanding of how one must use the ‘EGO’. WHAT IS EGO? The term "Ego" is often used in psychology to refer to a person's sense of self or identity. It includes...
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Emotions Responsible for Depression &  How Can We Handle Them?

Emotions Responsible for Depression & How Can We Handle Them?

We all experience ‘Negative & Positive Emotions’ in our life, but do you know, our ‘Emotions’ can adversely affect our bodies? A lot of research & studies have proved that if we do not manage our Negative Emotions properly, they...
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‘SPIRITUALITY’  Finding the Spirit or Essence of God Within

‘SPIRITUALITY’ Finding the Spirit or Essence of God Within

Let’s talk about this whole essence of what exactly ‘Spirituality’ is about? And how can one actually go within and get in touch with that spiritual essence of who we really are? Understanding the term ‘SPIRITUALITY’ So when you understand...
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Hi, Everybody! This is Dr. Raman Lamba. Today I want to give you a formula or grip on how you can manage all your problems.  Everything In The Universe Is Energy! So when you understand life in all, everything in...
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Understanding The Hierarchy of Human Intelligence:  SQ, EQ, IQ & PQ

Understanding The Hierarchy of Human Intelligence: SQ, EQ, IQ & PQ

HELLO  Everyone! This is Ramon Llamba, Your Life Coach, once again to take you on a Journey of the Hierarchy of Human Intelligence! What exactly do we mean by the term ‘Hierarchy of human intelligence’?  All along, we've been hearing...
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Conscious Parenting: How the Environment Creates Our Behaviour and Not Genetics?

Conscious Parenting: How the Environment Creates Our Behaviour and Not Genetics?

Conscious Parenting is one of the most committed and responsible tasks bestowed upon the species of Human Beings. As parents, it is our role and responsibility to make sure that we raise Emotionally, Physically & Mentally well-balanced individuals on this...
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Unfathomable Are the Ways of Karma

Unfathomable Are the Ways of Karma

Karma literally means action. It has basically three dimensions,  One is the impression of your actions from the past, called the ‘Past Karma’,  Then there’s the action that you are doing in the present, called the ‘Present Karma’ and  The...
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How can we upgrade ourselves in the Golden Age or Satyug?

How can we upgrade ourselves in the Golden Age or Satyug?

Considering the event of the evolution of our mother Earth, the process of change, transformation, or, one can say, upgradation of Earth and our lives, is going to happen after 26000 years. Being a part of development in the womb...
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