Let’s talk about the Human Ego; Why is it Dangerous & Why is it Healthy?

‘EGO’ Means ‘Edging God Out’

So when you understand this whole concept of ‘Ego’; E.G.O; it means ‘Edging God Out’! What does that mean?

Each one of us, individuals, have this beautiful ‘God Essence’ in us and when we are functioning in co-relationships and we feel a threat from the outside world, we pull up these strong ‘Defence Mechanisms’, these are ‘Behaviour Mechanisms’ that become walls of separation between two people in a relationship, we edge the God out of that person and begin to view the relationship more from a threat perspective than a creation perspective.

‘Healthy Ego’ V/s ‘Unhealthy Ego’

Having a ‘Healthy Ego’ is really necessary for us and we could use the ‘Human Ego’ as a tool when there is danger or when somebody is intentionally attacking us.

But having an ‘Ego’ functioning all the time in our relationships is not a great idea, because it only separates us from our ‘Karmic Group Souls’ and takes away the objectivity of life of ‘Why we are here?’

Two Things To Understand

My Dear Souls, it’s important you understand;

  • You came into life to create ‘Unconditional Love’ with certain souls on this planet, they are your family members, they are your co-relationships, and
  • All of those lessons that are coming back today, the experiences that are coming back to you are experiences you may have given out to them in some lifetime.

‘Whatever You Give Out, Will Come Back To You!’

This means that, if somebody is hurting you, then at some point in time, you have given out that vibration to somebody in the Universe. Because nothing in our Universe comes back to us without having given it out.

Thus, to every cause you put into motion, there is an effect, so rather than changing the effect that has come out, it’s best that you go within, drop your ‘Ego’, drop these ‘Defence Mechanisms’, and look at the cause.

Ask Yourself, ‘What is that Energy that I’m giving out?’, ‘Am I being Unkind to Someone?’, ‘Am I Hurting People?’

My Dear Souls, separating from people, your core group souls, is not really a healthy option. Creating these vibrational wars in families, among your own siblings, among your own spouses is not a very healthy and great option.

Difference between ‘Healthy Ego’ & ‘Animal Instinct Ego’

We are stepping into a new world of Kindness, Love, Compassion, Oneness, and Unconditional Receiving, so it’s time to understand the difference between a ‘Healthy Ego’ and an ‘Animal Instinct Ego’, which comes from ‘Defence Mechanisms’ and we don’t need this ‘Lower Ego self’ all the time.
Because trust me, when you are carrying this ‘Ego Self’ with you, it is really really so heavy and it weighs you down in life. So please educate yourself about the context of life.


Life is a game and every game has its thumb rules. When you play the game wrong, obviously your chances of losing the game become high and there are very bleak chances of you winning it.
So if you wanna come out as a winner in this ‘Game of Life’, and in your ‘Soul’s Journey’, it’s very important you technically understand the thumb rules of this game;

The parameters of the ground that you are playing this game on &
The players which are in your team, i.e, Your own family members.

Thus, if you can relate, in a game of cricket there are 12 members in a team, right? All in ‘One Team’. Just imagine, if the team goes out to play, to win the World Cup and a few players are just angry with each other, not willing to play the game in synchronization with each other, there is ‘No Chance’ of them winning the World Cup!

So your family, your core blood relationships, and your immediate family are ‘YOUR CRICKET TEAM’. It’s important to unconditionally love and accept them and function from Harmony, Oneness, Peace & Kindness;

  • Let go of all the Drama
  • Let go of all the Negative Ways of Being &
  • Function from the ‘Soul Quotient’ or ‘Oneness Quotient’

Ok, That is all for now…
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See you in the next post, Have a Wonderful Day!

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